Get Ready: Free Shiny Rayquaza Coming Soon to Pokémon Scarlet and Violet!

Pokemon players will soon have the opportunity to add a shiny legendary Pokemon, Rayquaza, to their collections. Starting December 19, shiny Rayquaza will appear as a special Tera Raid boss in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

During the event, players can encounter shiny Rayquaza in five-star Tera Raids throughout the Paldea region. This version of Rayquaza will be a dragon Tera type, making it susceptible to ice, fairy, and other dragon-type Pokemon.

As with other special raid bosses, players can only catch shiny Rayquaza once per save file. However, they can still partake in the Rayquaza raids for additional rewards even after capturing it.

The shiny Rayquaza event is set to conclude on January 5 at 3:59 PM PT / 6:59 PM ET. The Pokemon Company has also indicated that Rayquaza may appear in future events or be accessible through other means, should players miss out during this event.

In addition to shiny Rayquaza, players will also have a chance to encounter other dark-colored shiny Pokemon, such as Cetoddle, Carbink, and Fraxure, which will appear more frequently in mass outbreaks across Paldea, Kitakami, and Blueberry Academy.

Leading up to the shiny Rayquaza event, Pokemon Scarlet and Violet will host several other in-game happenings, including a Chansey mass outbreak starting November 28. A full event schedule is available on the games’ official website.

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